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Cadet Vaccination Requirement for Overnight Summer Training


As per the recent CANCDTGEN – there is a requirement now for cadets who are applying for any of the summer training that has an overnight component must have their two doses of the vaccine plus the 14 days after the second dose.

Please note:
1) We are awaiting for more direction on how to record the vaccination in Fortress when registering cadets for Training activities

2) Any cadets that have been summited for CTC, will need to be verified that they are vaccinated.

3) In some circumstances, government-issued proof of vaccination may still be required by certain facilities used to support cadet activities as park of local, provincial/territorial, or federal public health measures(e.g. museums, aerodromes, commercial air or rail travel).

More information to come once we know more.

Please note the CTC applications for PL3 + has closed and the CAP applications for PL1 and PL2 has not yet come out – more information to follow.

Questions? Please reach out to Major Angel

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